I Gave My Four-Year-Old an Old Fujifilm Camera

Recently my youngest son found an old Kodak point and shoot camera from roughly 2005. This camera is from the era when most digital cameras took standard AA batteries, but didn’t use them efficiently and burns through a pair in approximately 36 minutes of use. For the health of my battery drawer, I had to retire this camera and come up with some other way to satisfy his budding creative urges. 

Coincidentally, a friend of mine asked me for a senior portrait session for her daughter. After I came to grips with the fact I have a friend with a child that is a senior is high school, I started packing up my gear. It was then that I remembered that I still had my original Fujifilm X-T1 from my conversion away from Canon, and I still had plenty of (rechargeable!!!) batteries for it. 

I thought to myself “Self, you should charge a battery, slap a lens on this, and give it to the boy while we’re out there shooting those senior portraits”

That’s exactly what I did. I set all exposure settings to auto, gave him a rundown on how to push the shutter button, and let him go. 

Here is a curated collection of his early works:

And a little peak on the other end of the camera


Life This Week: Summer Camp, Pool Time, Night Out

Even though it's only officially been summer for a few days, it's in full swing for the Jester family. We just finished working two of four weekends at a family summer camp at Whispering Winds in the Cuyamaca Mountains east of San Diego. My son Jack is out of school for the summer and already embracing a summer schedule, meanwhile my wife and I are enjoying not having to schlep across town to and from the school. Life is good. 

Musicians Angel and Matthew relax on the patio and play some music

A little bit of double exposure sillyness with the built in double exposure mode on the Fuji x100s

Hannah hangs out by the pool

Hannah hangs out after dinner

Family photo at the pool. Photo courtesy of Ed Bonadiman

My gorgeous wife at dinner for our 7th Anniversary. Super low light portrait manual focused with the Fuji x100s.

Life This Week - Life LAST week: Disneyland

I'm a little late on my weekly life post, but here it is. 100% family Disneyland photos. 

***WARNING*** This post is photo heavy, even for me. 

First things first: Feed the kids. Jack would need all the energy he could get. Flo's in Cars Land at California Adventure is THE place to eat. 

Stopped for a quick family photo in front of the boardwalk. The employee that took this photo took the time to compose us and made a really nice family photo. Thanks man!

Saw Buzz Lightyear and Jack was excited to get a picture with him

Then Jessie came and we got to witness this little moment between cartoon lovers

Walt Disney is making headlines again

All Jack wants to do when he grows up is drive, thus Autopia one of his favorite rides

A) I think I found a secret target B) We broke down for a few minutes :)

This was the first trip that Jack was tall enough to ride the 40" rides. He was so excited to ride Star Tours!

The last ride of the trip was the Casey Jr. Train, note Jack clutching his light sabre for dear life