More fun with the Fuji X100s

Well my two week rental of the Fujifilm X100s is over, but I enjoyed the camera so much that I decided to order one for myself. Here are a few more snaps with this camera that is quickly pulling me out of a rut. 

Photographer Adam Queen watches the rain at the SB Fulfillment Center/Photo Studio for HauteLook. 

Jackson checks out the Polar Bears at the San Diego zoo

Sunset outside the San Diego Zoo

Product Stylist Loretta preps handbags at the HauteLook SB Photo Studio

Hannah relaxes

I've been shooting mostly black and white, but I love the Fuji Velvia color film setting on this camera. 

Hannah enjoys a mild evening in Canyon Crest

Alesia enjoys her burger from Bucket List Burgers in Canyon Crest

Hannah protests getting her picture taken. 

High Speed Sync with the Fujifilm X100s

In order to get a taste of what the leaf shutter of the Fuji X100s can do, my friend and fellow HauteLook photographer Adam Queen did some modeling for me. 

The set up: The Fujifilm X100s, 1 Lumopro LP180 (bare and hand held at arms length camera left) and triggered with Pocketwizard Plus III transceivers. 

We were able to sync the LP180 to 1/1000th shutter speed, bringing some detail out in the clouds and making these mid day portraits very dramatic. The 1/1000th shutter speed in this case is limited by the Pocketwizards ability to send the signal. In other tests, I was able to use a hard wire sync cable to sync the flash all the way to the camera max of 1/4000th. This is easily one of the coolest features of the X100s (and other leaf/non focal plane mirrorless cameras). 

These were shot in all of about 10 minutes with minimal gear, a testament to what a useful tool this can be for the professional photographer. 

