The Smoking Gun - Neon Noir Still Life Tribute

Another evening at home with nothing but ideas, this still life was shot as a tribute to the "neon noir" crime thrillers of the 1980's

Tech Details

Set: In studio, black sheet as backdrop

Lights: Canon 580exII from top left with red gel, LumoPro LP160 with blue gel from below, both gridded with Rogue speedlight grids

Other Notes: I used matches which create lots of smoke when extinguished to get the smoke effect. This image is straight out of camera, no post processing whatsoever. 

Wendy Peffercorn - A Movie Tribute Pin Up

My wife and I were watching the movie The Sandlot, and were thinking about how fun it would be to shoot a pin up style portrait of Wendy Peffercorn (the lifeguard from the public pool scene). We recruited our friend Sarah Trejo to be Wendy, and went about it. 

Tech Details

Set: In my home studio on blue seamless. The chair was built by me, the lifeguard ring purchased from ebay. 

Wardrobe: Sunglasses from ebay, swimsuit purchased from target and modified by my wife. 

Lights: 2x Calumet Genesis mono lights, 2x LumoPro LP160s
